
Senin, 12 November 2012


This articles now talking about how the strategy for you have a "fund". I hope this article can help you to increase your earnings from Neobux.

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12. Well now what Strategy for you who have "Fund or Money"?


For those of you who have "Money", then you can join the Neobux with its own strategies. Your "Fund" here is in the form of money from the credit card account or purchasing services paypal balance from VCC sites (VCC = Virtual Credit Card) reliable such as: (Indonesian VCC sites).

When you create a Paypal account, you can connect a PayPal account with your credit card. You should not be afraid about security transactions via the internet. As long as you make sure when you open the paypal account will be transferred to Paypal Website.



With a Paypal account linked to a credit card, then although money in Paypal $ 0.00 you can still pay to neobux to rent referrals or to change membership to GOLDEN. it I do now and so far safe.




  • Week 1: rent Rented Referrals (RR) as many as 100 referrals with rents $ 20 ($ 0.20 per referral per month).

  • Do its maintenance referral (recycle and renewable).

  • The results you get on the main balance, you can transfer to Rental Balance for maintenance referrals (renewal and recycle).

  • Week 2: rent another 100 rented referrals referrals as a price rent $ 20. Do the same thing with the no.2 and 3.

  • Week 3: lease another 100 referrals with $ 20 so the total you received 300 referrals. When your membership is still Standard Member, then in order to gain the referral should be doing at least 2 clicks / day (AVG = 2 clicks / day or more). If AVG is less than 2 clicks / day you can lose. This is because you only get half of the click your income is $ 0.005 per referral. 

    Example calculation:

    You rent 100 referrals with rental costs $ 20 / month. Results from referrals (with the assumption AVG = 2 clicks / day): 2 x 100 x $ 0.005 = $ 1 / day = $ 30 / month. Profit = $ 30 - $ 20 = $ 10

  • Week to 4 upgrade your membership to the GOLDEN will cost $ 90. With this GOLDEN membership then with AVG below 2 can still be profitable, it is because the outcome of each referral click $ 0.01 is no longer $ 0005. So if you have "Fund",  Upgrade to GOLDEN advised immediately if you have 300 Rented Referrals (RR).


Note:  Do not upgrade to GOLDEN currently if you do not have a Rental Referral. This is because once we become GOLDEN member, process a little difficult to rent referrals (Because we have to wait the turn). This is because Referral value of their contributed $ 0.01 (no longer $ 0.005).

  • Perform maintenance referral with see your $ gain per day. For example I have had 290 referrals with the GOLDEN status. In theory every day I can earn from referrals as: 4 x $ 0.01 x 290 = $ 11.6 (referral only - not  from my click itself).
    this can be done if all the referrals click ads like 4 pieces ads per day. But "behavior or conduct" by the referral is very different. There are diligently click 4 ads per day (as me he .. he .. he).
    There was a click 1 or 2 ads per day (eg for waiting so long ads appear immediately close again). there is which did not click at all. How knows ? Currently each day with the number of referrals 290 people I got $ 2. So with a simple program that I created using excel, I do the following. First I enter my referral number is 290. then I foxes value of AVG (average click referral) so obtained Earn $ 2.03 per day (approximately $ 2). Finally I found the value of AVG = 0.7 that produces gains $ 2 per day as of now I received. With AVG = 0.7 is an indication that many referrals we inactive. Therefore we use the Neobux tools to sort out which referrals are active and which passive and which will be out of the rent. Tools in the form of colorful flags that can be set in each referrals. You can give a red flag for referral, who do not click or have a low AVG.

  • The results obtained in the Main Balance is then used to:
    a. Recycle: replacing low referrals AVG (lazy click)
    b. Re-newal: rent re-rented referrals
    c. Renting more rented referrals.

  • After you complete one month joining NeoBux, then you can search for DR (Direct Referral). Direct referrals are a referrals member of NeoBux from / through your link. profit of DR is you do not need to pay rent.

  • Make referrals maintain activity (recycle, re-newal, adding number of rented referrals) so that the number of referrals you reach 2000.
    In this condition if AVG 0.7 just made ​​it will get.
    0.7 x 2000 x $ 0.01 = $ 14 / day
    = $ 420 / month
    ~ $ 400 / month


Note: If you maintain your referrals (recycle, re-newal, plus referrals) I guarantee the value of your AVG will rise.This is because the referral lazy referral will filtered and the remaining referrals-referrals either. If AVG rise, Your earnings will automatically go up. Then you will be smiling. 


 Special Thank to Tutorial-web

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