
Minggu, 11 November 2012



1. What its NEOBUX ?

Neobux is a PTC (Paid To Click = paid to see advertising) was revolutionary and is the current best PTC program this to be followed for those of you who are looking for extra money from the PTC program. One very good thing in Neobux that is the instant payment system, to our account in "Paypal" or "Payza".

2. How Preparation to join with NeoBux?

Before you join Neobux you must have a PayPal account to accommodate future dollars that would you received from NeoBux.


3. What its is Paypal?

Paypal is a payment processor that is an institution for receive or send payments. It is easy to say Paypal is a internet bank. Therefore, it is mandatory for you to have an Paypal account. The point is to accommodate your dollar income from your internet marketing activities.


4. How to Make a Paypal Account?


Creating a Paypal account is very easy and it's free. The important thing is that you have an email address. This email address will be used as your Paypal Account Number. To have a Paypal account then you can register via Paypal website.



5. Once you have a Paypal account, what is your next steps?


 Once you have a Paypal account, then the next step is register Neobux by clicking on the following link.


6. Now I already have a Paypal account and Neobux account, what next?

 If you already have a Paypal account and Neobux account, then you just "works" only, which saw the ad on Neobux. My advice make sure the best time when you can see the ad on NeoBux, or example at 7:00 pm has come home from work and not busy. To enter Neobux click


 Continued to the next article..

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